


Friday, 1 April 2016

28 Dogs from Hoarding Situation in Newton Co. by Animal Cruelty Task Force Rescues

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – The Humane Society of Missouri Animal Cruelty Task Force overnight rescued 28 dogs from “horrendous, filthy conditions” on a property near Newton and Lawrence counties in southwest Missouri.
The dogs are small- to medium-sized mixed-breeds, but because of their hair loss, it is difficult to determine their exact breeds.
(Courtesy of HSMO)
(Courtesy of HSMO)
“The dogs have been living on a waste-filled, trash- and debris-strewn property and in an abandoned, dilapidated house trailer. Most of the dogs have severe hair loss and are exhibiting constant scratching due to an intense burning, itchy skin irritation. They also have external and internal parasites and other veterinary problems such as eye, ear and respiratory infections. ACT Investigators believe the animals have had little to no veterinary care,” according to a news release.
Because treatment for the skin condition can take several months, the dogs will not be immediately available for adoption.

The Animal Cruelty Task Force learned of the dogs’ situation through a citizen report. The owner agreed to voluntarily surrender these dogs to the Humane Society.
The Task Force will recommend that animal abuse charges be filed against the animals’ owner.
“Our experience tells us that, unfortunately, people in this situation will continue to acquire and become unable to care for animals until they are prevented from having more animals,” said Kathy Warnick, president of the Humane Society of Missouri, in the release. “Therefore, out of concern for these and future animals, we will present the results of our investigation in this case and recommend prosecution to Newton County officials.”
To aid in the dogs’ socialization and recovery, the Humane Society is requesting donations of string cheese; cooked, frozen chicken strips; and interactive dog toys such as Kongs, Busy Bones and gently-used, clean, stuffed cuddle toys. Donations may be dropped off at the Humane Society of Missouri’s Macklind Ave. Adoption Center, 1201 Macklind Ave. Monetary donations to provide for the dogs’ care may be made at or by calling 314-951-1542.
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