


Saturday, 2 April 2016

Boy Bursts Into Tears When GPS Says 'Bear Right'

He couldn't bear the news.
GPS devices can be beasts with bad directions and descriptions, but a 3-year-old boy got the fright of his life when he thought the direction "bear right" actually meant that there was a bear outside their car at the Colorado Zoo. 

“We have a problem,” Austin Golden says in the video, which dates to summer 2009, but was only recently unearthed.
“What kind of a problem?” his father, Chip Golden asks.
“A bear problem,” Austin replies.
The family from Malabar, Florida, had been in Colorado on vacation and they were using the TomTom GPS to get around, “but the kids hadn’t seen it before,” Chip Golden, a mechanical engineer, told ABC News today. “They were confused about the bear thing and that morning it got to that dramatic level” when they were in the zoo parking lot, he added.
So the dad whipped out his camera and filmed the adorable freak out that followed.
“I heard it. It said bear right,” Golden’s daughter Abby, who was 4-years-old at the time, said in the video. “There’s a bear on the right.”
The children’s mother, Jennifer Soland Golden, then asks who is on the right side of the car. Abby answered “Mommy” and “Austin,” and Austin immediately bursts into tears, afraid that a bear is coming towards him, the video shows.
The boy's parents tell him that they will roll down the windows to show him that there is no bear outside, but Austin cries and tells them not to. His mother tells him that she will go outside to check and see if there is a bear, but Austin doesn’t want her to and instead says his father should go. After a few minutes of explanation, Austin calms down and the family is ready to go to the zoo.
“I think they just really thought there was a bear,” Golden said.
The video was filmed seven years ago, but Golden said he just recently found it after going through family photos. He put it on YouTube on March 24, just to show his Facebook friends, but the video started going viral. “You just never know what’s going to happen,” Golden said.
As for Austin, he absolutely loves the attention the video is getting, Golden said. “Every day he tells me how many hits it got,” Golden added.
Austin is now 10 years old and Abby is 11, but the two are just “happy they got the world enjoying the video,” Golden said.

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